National Family Mediation Services Manchester

Customer Feedback

Here is What Our Clients Said:

“After the divorce, we needed help with the division of assets and to go over our financial affairs but didn’t know how to go about it. I found out about National Family Mediation Service on the internet and then decided that I should ask them for their help. It was a good decision.”

After the death of my brother who didn’t have a will or even any children, I thought that the battle for inheritance would cost me my ties with my sister. However, NFMS really pulled though and my sister and I are both satisfied with the settlement.

I would whole heartedly recommend family mediation by National Family Mediation Service Manchester instead of expensive and difficult legal proceedings, it avoided lengthy issues and was also a lot less destructive of family ties.

Being a grandparent, I was worried for my relationship with my grandparent and them not seeing me. But National Family Mediation Service helps in this way most amicably. We are now happy seeing them again.

“I badly needed to get in touch with professionals for proper help and my Solicitor recommended National Family Mediation Service so I got in touch with them. They have really helped me clear out some of the differences that we had to deal with my ex.”

family disputes

“A friend told us about National Family Mediation Service and they really helped us out a lot! Thank you!”

“During the divorce proceedings, I was afraid that I would end up losing everything. However, with National Family Mediation Service.

Things ended up pretty good without the need for a messy court battle with my ex.-partner.”

“Getting a divorce in itself drains you out of everything without adding ugly fighting involved with your ex over various issues.

 Thanks to the team at National Family Mediation Services we have been able to reach a solution.”

“My son’s father was a criminal and was a bad influence on him. I wasn’t prepared to let that happen and was ready for expensive legal action.

 National Family Mediation Service Manchester helped ensure that we ended up with a solution to move forward.”

“My ex husband was making things difficult and it had become extremely difficult to communicate with him and ask him to sort out things through mediation.”


“I never understood the process of mediation and when I was going through my own divorce didn’t really know where to turn to begin mediation . 

A friend of mine explained to me the benefits of Mediation and suggested National Family Mediation Services Manchester who helped us from anything getting ugly.”

“Having erratic work timings was already a pain and on top of that going through a divorce was not really doing any good to my health. 

With National Family Mediation it was easy as they work to suit your needs whether it was evening meetings or over video call. They have been a blessing in this tough time.”

“After divorce, division of our assets was a prime concern to talk again. National Family Mediation Service helps being brilliant at open as well as confidential discussions.”

Looking to resolve Family Issues? Our most frequently asked mediation questions are below.